Kim Dong-Chan, Jeon Chang-Yeol, Kim Minji, Park Dong Hyun, Kim Dong Hyeon, Kim Yeonghyo

Future cryptography Design Lab., Kookmin University

(last updated: 2024.10.21.)


We propose PALOMA, a new code-based KEM(Key Encapsulation Mechanism), which has the following features:

Parameter sets

PALOMA provides three parameter sets: PALOMA-128, PALOMA-192, and PALOMA-256, corresponding to security strength levels of 128-bit, 192-bit, and 256-bit, respectively.

Security Level n t k(=n-mt) m
PALOMA-128 128 3,904 64 3,072 13
PALOMA-192 192 5,568 128 3,904 13
PALOMA-256 256 6,592 128 4,928 13

Each parameter set was carefully chosen to meet the following conditions, ensuring efficient implementation.

  1. Binary separable Goppa codes are defined in $F_{2^{13}}$ which can be used for PALOMA-128, PALOMA-192, and PALOMA-256 simultaneously,
  2. $n + t \leq 2^{13}$ to define a support set and a Goppa polynomial,
  3. $n \equiv k \equiv t \equiv 0 \pmod {64}$ for 64-bit word-aligned implementation, and
  4. $k/n > 0.7$ to reduce the size of a public key, and
  5. Enough security margin.


Data size (in bytes)